UTM Injection for Google Analytics

MobiLoud allows you to inject parameters into all URLs loaded in your app to track app usage through UTMs in Google Analytics without needing extra configuration.

To enable this feature, edit the app's advanced configuration by adding the following parameters:

  "Parameter_Injection": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Parameter": "utm_source=app&utm_medium=webview&utm_campaign=tracking",
    "Exclusion_Rules": [
        "Regex": ""


Under the "Parameter" key, specify the string to be appended to all URLs loaded in the app. We recommend using UTM parameters for seamless tracking by Google Analytics, but you can use any parameters as needed.

The parameters will be appended to the final URLs even if there is a redirect, and the app will ensure that the URL structure remains intact if it already contains parameters.

Exclusion Rules

Exclusion rules allow you to specify which URLs should not have the parameters appended. These rules use Regex to match URLs. If a URL matches the Regex pattern, the parameters will not be injected.

Here are a few examples:

Matches all URLs that are different from mobiloud.com

    "Regex": "^(?!.*mobiloud\\.com).*$"

Matches all URLs containing google in them

    "Regex": ".*google.*"

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