WordPress Mobile App Builder

Turn your WordPress site into a mobile app

MobiLoud's WordPress mobile app builder helps you convert your WordPress website into custom mobile apps with all your plugins, design, and integrations working automatically.
John Varvatos desktop website and iOS mobile app side-by-side

Here's why turning your WordPress website into a mobile app makes sense

We are WordPress experts. Our developers will customize and maintain your apps while our Wordpress plugin keeps everything seamlessly integrated with your site.
Have full design control
Anything you design for your WordPress site can also be brought into your app.
Sit back and relax
Our team becomes your app team, handling everything app related so you can focus on your business.
Use all your plugins
Any plugins or third party tools you have on your site will work automatically in your app.
Monetize your site
It's easy to start your own WooCommerce store and start selling through your app.
Switch platforms anytime
If you want to switch from WordPress, your app will continue working without needing to rebuild.  
Get guaranteed approval
Our app store approval guarantee means you get your money back if your apps don't get approved.

The Best Wordpress Mobile App Builder

We take ownership of your app experience, helping you build a channel that delights your users and requires almost no work from your team to maintain.

Your WordPress site is your app

By turning your WordPres site into an app, you get an app experience that’s always on brand and updates automatically. It’s also easy to manage everything from the WP backend.

Improve your mobile user experience

Give your users a streamlined mobile experience with a WordPress app that's a direct line to your content. Fast-loading, easy navigation, and a familiar interface mean they spend less time searching and more time enjoying what you offer.

Send unlimited push notifications

Re-engage your audience with push notifications tailored to their interests. Each notification is a nudge for them to check out your latest content, offers, or updates, keeping your brand at the forefront without being intrusive.

Stand out from the competition

Amplify your brand’s voice and find a new audience with a WordPress app made to help you stand out from the pack. By offering an engaging app experience, you’ll make your competitors’ web-only presence feel outdated.
John Varvatos App Store & Google Play Store listings
WooCommerce logo.

Have a WooCommerce store?

We’re the perfect option to launch a WooCommerce mobile app for your store. Let’s chat about turning browsers into buyers with a mobile shopping experience made to convert.
Talk to an Expert
We don’t just build your apps and call it a day
Our goal is to make sure you get an app you love. We keep working with you to improve, optimize, and maintain a strong app experience your customers will love.
"We couldn’t find another company that could offer the same features at the same price point, same time to market, and make it as easy as MobiLoud could."
Portrait of Svend Hansen, Product Owner at Bestseller.
Svend Hansen
Product Owner
Bestseller's logo.
"We wanted to give our loyal customers a convenient way to keep coming back and reach them directly with push notifications. Our app now drive 10% of our total revenue with minimal effort from our team."
Damien Smith
eCommerce CTO & COO
BoozeBud logo
"Your level of service is unmatched. You are always there when we need you, and go above and beyond to make sure everything runs smoothly for us.”
Kenneth Chan
Founder & CEO

Our customer case studies.

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International Fashion Brand Jack & Jones Used MobiLoud to Build High-End Shopping Apps
Bestseller Builds High-Quality Apps for Brands Such as ONLY, Jack & Jones and Vero Moda
How John Varvatos Got 1K+ Downloads Within a Day of Launching Their Own App
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Your questions, answered.

Everything you need to know about our product and billing. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Visit our help center or contact us and we’ll be in touch.
Can I really build iOS and Android apps from any website?
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Yes, with MobiLoud, you can build high-quality iOS and Android apps from virtually any website, regardless of the CMS or tech stack you use.

Whether your site is built on WordPress, Shopify, Salesforce, React, or a custom platform, if your website functions well as a web app and is mobile-optimized, we can convert it into a native mobile app.

Our platform allows you to reuse everything you've already built on the web, so there's no need to start from scratch.

The mobile app will pull directly from your website, ensuring that all the functionality, design, and features remain intact and in sync across both web and mobile platforms.

This allows you to maintain a single code base for both your website and mobile app, saving you time and resources.

Will all my site features work in the app?
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Yes, all the features and functionality your web app or website currently has can be recreated within your iOS and Android apps using MobiLoud.

Our platform takes everything from your web app (whether it's content, functionality, or design) and translates it seamlessly into a mobile app experience.

This includes all custom features, web-based plugins, vendors, and integrations (whether you're using platforms like WordPress, Shopify, or something custom-built).

You don’t have to rebuild anything from scratch. We bring everything over into your app, allowing you to maintain a single code base and website while expanding your reach to mobile app users.

Any updates or changes you make to your site are automatically reflected in the app, ensuring that the app stays in sync with your web platform.

This will be a native app, right?
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The MobiLoud platform itself is fully native and built from scratch in Swift, Java and Kotlin for the best user experience and performance. MobiLoud apps are not strictly native, but rather your existing site or web app running inside a native container that runs in every way like a native app, adds native navigation and features like push notifications. This allows you to recreate your web experience exactly, while adding the key features you need to improve user experience on mobile devices.  

Ultimately, you could build a native app from scratch (very very expensive, complex – only for well funded companies where the app is a key part of the value prop), or use a template based solution (could be good but by definition it will be limiting), or use our approach, which gives you the benefits of a native app with the flexibility of the web.  

A hybrid approach lets you have a mobile app with all the features of your website, in a very short time and very affordably, with the added benefit of not having to worry about constantly catching up with your site's development to add new features (i.e. if you add or change anything on the site, it changes in the app). You'll maintain a single code-base, your website's, for both site and app.  

It's a huge saving in both time and money terms, and it gives you incredible flexibility compared to a situation where you have a web app or website and a native app alongside it.

What features do you add? How different will the app be from my website?
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Our approach with MobiLoud is to empower you to use a single platform (your website) to serve both web and mobile app audiences.

We don’t try to add new features beyond what you’ve built on the web, but instead, we help you leverage your existing website to create both a site and a mobile app.

All the functionality comes from your website. We strongly believe that almost anything can be built on the web today.

With MobiLoud, you only need to focus on maintaining a great website, and from that effort, you get both a high-quality website and a mobile app, without any additional work or investment.

Our platform and service adds native elements to enhance your app, making it feel just like a native mobile experience while using the functionality of your website.

We include native navigation with familiar elements like a tab menu, making it easy for users to navigate your app. Your app will have a custom splash screen, loading animations, and spinners, ensuring a good UX while content loads.

Push notifications are fully integrated through platforms like OneSignal and Klaviyo, allowing you to send personalized notifications and automate flows. Users can manage their push preferences directly in the app, choosing which notifications to receive based on categories or interests.

Our team handles everything related to getting your app published on both the App Store and Google Play, making sure it complies with all of Apple and Google's requirements.

Will I be able to configure the app on my own?
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We offer a complete configuration dashboard that gives you full control of your app once it’s live. However, to ensure the app is built optimally and approved quickly by Apple and Google, our team handles the initial configuration. With our experience, we can set up your app in the most efficient and effective way possible.

After the app is live, you or your technical team can access the dashboard to manage the app's configuration, including pages, menus, and push notifications. If you prefer, our team is always available to make any adjustments on your behalf, especially if you’re not technical. We can handle everything for you as needed.

Will my app work offline?
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Your app will require an internet connection to operate, which is the case for almost all modern apps, including e-commerce platforms like Amazon, media apps, and social networks. Technically, building a fully offline app that mirrors everything your website provides would require an impossibly large application, with full synchronization when a connection is restored. This is highly impractical, if not impossible, to achieve with most web backends, whether it's a custom-built backend or a platform/CMS like Shopify and WordPress.

The reality is that most mobile apps, including major brands, require an internet connection for content updates, transactions, and real-time interactions. If your use case specifically requires offline functionality, then MobiLoud may not be the best fit for your needs, as our solution is optimized for apps that are connected to the web.

What's your process like?
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Our process starts with a consultation to understand your vision and app requirements. After sign-up, we schedule an onboarding call to discuss customization options and guide you through completing the necessary forms.

Once your preferences are clear, we develop your app, prepare custom graphics, and share a preview for your feedback. Together, we test the app, making sure everything works as expected.

After testing, we submit your app to the Apple and Google stores, monitor the approval process, and keep you updated until the app is live. Once your app is launched, we provide marketing advice and ready-to-use assets to help you promote it effectively. We also conduct strategy sessions around push notifications to ensure you're leveraging this powerful channel to maximize user engagement.

Throughout the entire process, we ensure you have support and input at every key step, from development to post-launch growth.

Will I need coding knowledge?
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No coding knowledge is needed to launch and manage your app with MobiLoud. Our platform converts your existing website into a mobile app, bringing over your content, design, and functionality without requiring complex native development work. The app stays in sync with your website, so any updates you make are reflected instantly in the app.

If you want to make advanced customizations, like adding unique features or adjusting the app’s design, our platform offers options for that. Even then, you won’t need to work with code unless you choose to. Our team is always available to help with small design changes and optimizations at every step, and we can provide guidance for bigger changes and new functionality.

For developers or those with a technical team, we offer a remote dashboard where you can control your app's configuration in detail. We also provide extensive documentation to help with every level of customization, including adding app-specific functionality and modifying how existing site features display in the app.

Will I have to update a dashboard whenever there’s new content?
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No – the apps will update automatically whenever you publish anything new! There is little to add to your existing workflow, just keep doing what you're doing, easy like that!

Is this a fully custom app?
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Our service creates a fully custom app by turning everything from your website (your unique design, vendors, plugins, apps, and custom element) into a mobile app.

This means the app is inherently custom without needing to rebuild or recreate everything using native code, which can be expensive, inflexible, and slow to update.

With MobiLoud, your app maintains all the uniqueness of your website, and we add the native app functionality that your site doesn't provide.

Plus, our team works with you on making optimizations and improvements to ensure your app feels just like a typical native app, without the inefficiencies and costs that come with building one from scratch.

We use code to make changes to your existing mobile web layout to simplify the website experience when it’s powering the mobile app.

This allows us to achieve the same level of design and user experience that a native app provides, without rebuilding from scratch on a different code base, which is typically what is done with custom native app development.

How much work will it take to keep the app updated?
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It will take very little work to keep your app running.

The app is designed to sync automatically with your website, meaning any updates or changes you make to your site (whether it's new content, design updates, or adding new features) are instantly reflected in the app.

This eliminates the need to manage the app separately. Essentially, by maintaining your website, you're also maintaining your app at the same time.

In addition to this automatic syncing, we provide ongoing support to ensure everything runs smoothly. If any issues arise, or if you need help with updates or adjustments, our team is always available to assist.

You also have access to a dashboard where you can control app-specific features (like push notifications or app settings) without needing technical knowledge. If you're not comfortable managing these aspects, our team is always available to handle it for you.

Overall, the app requires minimal effort to keep running, allowing you to focus on your website while enjoying the benefits of both a fully functional mobile app, always up to date.

Can I automate push notifications for new content?
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Yes, you can configure the notifications to go out automatically as a response to specific events, including new content getting published. You can also send notifications manually whenever you wish.

Our WordPress plugins and Shopify apps provide this functionality for you, so there's nothing for your team to build.

If your site doesn't run on WordPress or Shopify, but rather uses any popular web stack, you'll be able to easily connect to Onesignal's REST API to trigger notifications for any event.

Is there a limit on the number of push notifications we send?
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No, you can send as many as you like! You can integrate notifications with your website (we do that for you with our plugin if you're on WordPress or Shopify) to send them automatically or send them manually. We rely on Onesignal to send notifications and you'll have full control of your own Onesignal account. They have excellent documentation if you want to integrate their API in your web application.

How hard is it to build and manage an app with MobiLoud?
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Building and managing an app with MobiLoud is incredibly simple.

The process requires minimal time and effort on your part. You’ll only need to spend around 5-10 hours on the initial setup. This includes providing essential assets like logos and images, registering your Apple and Google accounts and answering a few questions to help us understand your needs.

From there, we take care of everything. Our team handles building the app, optimizing it for iOS and Android, and submitting it to the App Store and Google Play. You don’t need to worry about the technical steps.

Once the app is live, managing it is even easier. Your app is linked directly to your website. Any updates you make to the site (whether it's content, design, or functionality) automatically sync to the app.

There’s no need to update the app separately. You can focus on maintaining your website, and the app will stay up-to-date automatically.

With MobiLoud, you get the benefits of a native app with minimal ongoing effort.

How can I make sure my customers download and use the app?
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We work closely with you from the start to guide you through promoting your app and ensuring it’s a success.

Our team helps implement site changes that can drive downloads, such as adding smart app banners and buttons to key areas of your website.

We'll also provide you with a full strategy to promote your app effectively to your existing audience.

This includes tactics like:

  1. Adding app download prompts in multiple places on your website and at different points of engagement with your customer.
  2. Offering a welcome discount for new app users (e.g. a discount to encourage downloads).
  3. Using push notifications to keep customers engaged and bring them back to the app with exclusive offers.

Once these are executed, we see our customers adding thousands of app users every single month and eventually generating 15-25% of their revenue from their mobile apps.

I have an existing app, how easy is it to replace it with MobiLoud?
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Switching from an existing app to MobiLoud is very easy. We ensure a smooth transition with minimal disruption to your business and no impact on your app users.

The new app is delivered as an update to your existing app, so your customers won’t have to download anything new. They will simply receive the updated app when it goes live, ensuring no interruptions in their experience.

To make this transition even easier, we offer a special deal for businesses switching from competitors. We waive all setup fees and provide a discount equivalent to what you're paying them, so you're not paying double during the transition, if there's any overlap.

Most customers save 20% to 50% by migrating over to MobiLoud from their existing vendor.

Our team handles the technical aspects of the switch, including building and submitting the new app to the App Store and Google Play. You can expect a high level of hands-on service and support throughout the process, for a hassle-free migration. Everything is done for you by your team, and it's just a matter of weeks to get your new app live.

By switching, you’ll benefit from a platform designed to save you time and money while offering a more powerful, flexible mobile app solution.

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Convert your website into a mobile app

Get custom mobile apps for iOS and Android that update automatically with your site and work with your entire tech stack.
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John Varvatos iOS push notification