Firebase Analytics

Learn how to access your app tracking data

All MobiLoud apps make use of Firebase for usage and performance tracking.

If you have live apps and want to be able to see how many active users are active on each platform, you can do that from your Firebase account, in the Firebase Analytics area.

How to access Firebase Analytics

1 - Open your Firebase Console

Open your Firebase Console here:

2 - Select your app from the list

Click on the project connected to your apps:

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3 - Open the “Analytics” area in the sidebar

On the left sidebar, you will see a section called “Analytics”, click on it:

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4 - Open the “Dashboard” area

In the new area that appeared, click on “Dashboard”:

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You will now be able to see analytics data tracked for your apps, to see more detailed information you can select the platforms (iOS or Android) by clicking on the following elements:

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