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Register for OneSignal

How to register for a OneSignal account

OneSignal is the world’s leading Mobile and Web Push Notification service, we use it to deliver push notifications to your app users.

You will be required to register for your own OneSignal account, but our team will take care of everything else for you.

You can easily register from the link:

1 - Create your account

Fill in all the details:

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2 - Select your plan

Note that for basic usage of push notifications in your app, the Free plan should be enough. If you have any specific requirements such as DPA and more sophisticated analytics data you might want to choose one of their paid plans.

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3 - Activate your email

You will then receive a confirmation link in your email, make sure to check it and start the activation process.

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4 - Answer questions

After clicking the activation email OneSignal will require you to answer a few quick questions:

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5 - Create your first app

You will now be required to create your first OneSignal app, by choosing a name. Make sure to use the same name that you will use for your mobile app, this will avoid a lot of confusion.

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6 - Skip the quick start guide

This is not a required step, as our team will configure everything for you. Make sure to skip this step:

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That’s it! You now have your OneSignal account, make sure to check our guide on how to invite users to your account:

  • How to invite users to OneSignal