Last Updated on
July 5, 2024

The 6 Best Fashion Ecommerce Mobile App Builders in 2024

Key takeaways:
  • There are lots of mobile app builders out there; to help you decide which one to use, consider builders that let you integrate all of your existing website's features and plugins and that let you customise your app.
  • DIY app builders are fast and cheap at first, but they are often limited. Many are tied to only one platform, like Shopify, and while they seem affordable at first, they can get pricey fast.
  • The apps the DIY app builders let you create tend to be basic and generic. While you may get an app built fast, it likely won't look and feel like it belongs with the rest of your brand and website.
  • MobiLoud is a better alternative to DIY app builders. You get to reuse your existing website, plugins, and features and turn them into an app with no coding required from you.

Fashion is a huge ecommerce market with a valuation of $821 billion USD as of the end of 2023. And considering that 72% of the overall ecommerce market share worldwide comes from mobile users, you can’t neglect having an app to cater to these customers. 

If you’re in this field and don’t have an app yet, you’re missing out. The ecommerce market has changed drastically in just the last few years, with 47% of Gen Z shoppers doing so "mostly online” on their phones. 

So, if you want to attract more sales and keep your loyal customers, here are our six picks for the best fashion ecommerce mobile app builders in 2024.

1. MobiLoud

A screenshot of the MobiLoud website reading "Turn your online store into a mobile app in under 2 weeks."
MobiLoud gets your app built fast and it integrates everything on your webstore, too.

For most ecommerce fashion retailers, the best app builder is our own managed builder, MobiLoud. We have plenty of experience developing apps for fashion websites and merchants, and we do it all with no coding needed from you.

Unlike the other drag-and-drop or DIY app builders on this list, we do all the work. We take your existing website and turn it into an app. After all, you’ve already established your online presence with your website, so why bother reinventing the wheel?

Even better, we preserve the look and feel of your existing website. And we can build your app in less than a month. We’ll even publish it to the iOS and Android app stores for you.

You also get all the essential features of mobile apps. That includes push notifications, which help drive sales and keep customers loyal, a fully featured mobile-friendly UI, and support for all your existing plugins and workflows.

It also does not matter what shopping backend you use. We support Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, or any other platform. Plus, you keep the same backend. There is no need for new logins.

We’ve built plenty of fashion apps for lots of companies. Some major names include Jack & Jones, John Varvatos, and VERO MODA.

And as David Cost, VP of Ecommerce and Marketing at Rainbow Shops noticed when they launched a mobile ecommerce app with MobiLoud, 

"In our experience, users break into two camps. There are users who prefer to buy on the app and users who prefer using the browser. You can’t convince one to go the other way, you need to meet them where they are."

After building their app with MobiLoud, they saw a 10% increase in order value, two times more conversions, and seven times the mobile customer lifetime value.

If you already have an online presence with a website and want to improve your conversion rates, increase customer loyalty, and capture new customers, MobiLoud is the best choice. However, if you don’t have a website or any online presence, some of the other options on this list may be worth a look.


  • Integrates completely with your existing website and workflows
  • Requires no coding from you
  • Can build an app quickly
  • Plenty of experience with fashion brands already


  • May not be able to use native mobile device features (such as GPS or accelerometer)
  • Requires you to have an existing website setup already

2. Plobal Apps

A screenshot of the Plobal Apps website reading "convert your Shopify store into a Mobilepp for a 5x revenue boost."
PlobalApps is shopify only, but it does tie in tightly with it.

Plobal Apps was designed to create drag-and-drop mobile apps for Shopify, and it suits that niche well. If you already have a Shopify webstore and want to branch into having an app, it is a solid option.

You get all the basics you would expect from an ecommerce mobile fashion app. These include push notifications, a mobile-friendly UI layout, and catalog searchability. If you shell out for one of the higher-paid tiers, you also get customized theming.

However, perhaps the biggest advantage of going with Plobal Apps is that it integrates tightly with your Shopify setup. That means one backend and no need to manage two separate catalogs or workflows.

Some fashion brands, including Bailey’s Blossoms, Trendia, Ravin Jeans, and others, have launched their apps using Plobal Apps. 

You may have already noticed a major stumbling block with PlobalApps, though. If you use any ecommerce platform other than Shopify, you are out of luck. It does not support them.

Furthermore, your app design choices are rather limited and likely won’t fully match your existing website. In short, your app will be functional but perhaps not totally on-brand with the same look and feel.

If you are tied tightly to Shopify and want an app built, Plobal could work. Just keep in mind its shortcomings and the fact that it will feel disconnected from your website.


  • Works great with Shopify
  • Drag-and-drop interface
  • No coding needed


  • Only works with Shopify
  • Pricing structure includes a percentage of your sales, which adds up fast
  • Will likely not use your existing website’s custom features or design

3. Mowico

Mowico's app builder shown on a laptop behind a phone showing a finished app for a fashion brand.
Mowico supports lots of ecommerce platforms.

Mowico is another DIY drag-and-drop app builder. Unlike Plobal Apps, however, it supports lots of ecommerce shopping platforms.

Some of these platforms include Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, BigCommerce, PrestaShop, Squarespace, Weebly, OpenCart, and more. Still, the majority of its tools are focused on Shopify. But if you use another backend, you are not totally out of luck.

Some fashion brands that have already used Mowico include Kiki’s Dragon, Nonni & Me, and others. If you are unsure if it’s right for you, they do offer a two-week free trial with no credit card needed to sign up.

But pricing also introduces a hiccup here. Mowico's basic plan is very limited. You get only three integrations, and that is it. If you want anything else, be prepared to pay more.

If you use a platform other than Shopify, Mowico's may be worth a look. Just keep in mind that if you have lots of plugins or custom features, you may have to pay a lot more to use them all—or they may not make the jump. And as with all DIY app builders, it won’t be tightly integrated with your website.


  • Supports lots of ecommerce platforms
  • Basic plan is affordable
  • App building tends to be a quick process with no coding required


  • Gets expensive fast if you want other features
  • Apps tend to be basic
  • Won’t integrate well with your existing website

4. Shoutem

A screenshot of the Shoutem homepage reading "app builder without coding: create mobile apps with no-code app maker."
Shoutem is design for startups so it includes templates and more right off the bat.

Shoutem is another DIY app builder, as is usual for this list. It’s designed for startups, so if you are just getting off the ground, it may offer some handy features.

Some of its startup-focused features include a CMS, templates, cloud storage, and drag-and-drop app building. That’s helpful if you don’t have your backends and workflows in place and want to get your store up and running quickly.

You do get live previews and testing with Shoutem. That is great for checking if your app looks and feels the way you want it to before you make it available on the app stores.

Some ecommerce stores using Shoutem include Smoke AFM, Canna West Seattle, and others. Because it’s a DIY app builder, they aren’t focused on fashion brands per se, but you can try and see if you can build a satisfactory app using their tools with a 14-day free trial.

Much like with Mowico, pricing gets wonky with Shoutem. You have to pay for maintenance, server space, updates, and other aspects that many other app builders include as part of their total pricing. That can add up quickly.

So, if you are a startup ecommerce fashion brand and want an app, Shoutem might be worth a shot. Take advantage of their free trial and remember that it could get expensive depending on your needs.


  • Startup friendly app builder with templates, CMS, cloud storage, and other features
  • Free trial period
  • No coding needed


  • Can get expensive quickly
  • Won’t reuse your existing website and plugins

5. GoodBarber

A screenshot of the GoodBarber website that reads "create a shopping app for your online store."
GoodBarber ties in the backend and customer-facing parts of an app nicely, but the apps are basic.

GoodBarber is a big name in the app-building world, and they’ve been around since 2011. However, their shopping app builder feature specifically is a more recent introduction.

All that experience does mean they are quite well adapted to customer-facing content, though. You get lots of templates to use and can easily add features like one-click checkout, push notifications, and other essentials.

On the backend, you can automatically add up shipping costs, and taxes, and track orders, which is nice to have if you have lots of stock to move. That comes with the basic plan, but if you want more than these basics, be prepared to pay more.

Higher-priced plans let you add some nice-to-have options, including abandoned cart handling, product importing extensions, and a higher push notifications quota. If you have lots of volume moving through your store and want unlimited features and extensions, you will have to opt for the top-tier plan. 

Some fashion stores using GoodBarber include Adidas Le Mans, Anavana Mayorista, Danie Hoo, and others.

Unfortunately, GoodBarber apps tend to be basic and won’t mirror a sophisticated webstore very well. Also, the app-building process is often fiddly and drawn out.

GoodBarber is worth a shot if you have a basic webstore in mind and don’t plan on having lots of extensions or features. But if you have a more sophisticated website set up already, it may fall short of your expectations.


  • Templates and themes available
  • No coding needed
  • Includes customer-facing and backend features


  • Apps tend to be basic
  • Can get fiddly to build apps
  • Will not integrate well with your existing website and workflows

6. Shopney

A screenshot of the Shopney homepage the reads "Turn your Shopify store into a mobile app!"  A phone reading "Shopney" on its screen is to the left of that.
Shopney is rather basic, but it might work if you need a simple app built quickly.

Shopney has made a name for itself by making building apps simple and quick. They claim you can build an app in about an hour. However, it's Shopify only, so keep that in mind.

You start off with either a templated or empty canvas, and then drag-and-drop what you want into it. You can then add integrations, including analytics options, Shopify apps and features, and more.

After you finish, you can make the app available live. Afterwards, it is your call on how you want to promote it, like submitting it for approval to the iOS and Android app stores.

But like all template-based DIY app builders, Shopney may be limiting if you are looking for something more customizable. It may also not match the look and feel of your existing website.

Furthermore, you are stuck with its pre-built integrations on Shopify. You cannot use another platform, and if the integrations you want aren’t supported, there is not much you can do.

For simple webstores looking to build an app, Shopney could work. Just remember you have to use Shopify and the end result will be rather basic.


  • Quick and easy to use
  • No coding needed
  • Templates included


  • Apps tend to be basic
  • Shopify only
  • The resulting app may not tie in well with your existing website and workflows

The best fashion ecommerce mobile app builders in 2024: Final thoughts

There is no denying having an ecommerce mobile app for your fashion store is vital. The world of online shopping shows no signs of shrinking or stopping. And your customers expect a smooth, seamless shopping experience when on their phones. Only an app can offer that.

However, while DIY, no-code app builders may seem tempting, they all share some fundamental flaws. Namely, they won’t integrate well with your existing website and workflows. Plus, many of them are limited to only one platform, like Shopify.

If you use another ecommerce platform or want tight integration between your website and app, you can’t rely on a DIY app builder. Plus, while they may seem affordable up front, they often get expensive fast if you want to tie in plugins, integrations, and move lots of products. 

Some may even charge for every sale you make, which cuts into your bottom line.

Rather than bother with limited DIY options, you can turn your existing website into an app with MobiLoud. You won’t have to code anything. 

We do all the work, and you get a fully functional mobile app published to the iOS and Android app stores. The app and webstore will share its look, feel, backend, themes, and integrations, too. To get a sense of what that is like, get started with a free preview of your app.

Contact us today to find out how quick and easy turning your website into an app can be.

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Rainbow Shops logo.Bestseller's logo.John Varvatos logo.
Only & Sons iOS app.

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