Last Updated on
July 5, 2024

Android vs iOS Market Share: Most Popular Mobile OS in 2024

Key takeaways:
  • Android is the most popular mobile operating system worldwide, with a global market share of nearly 70%.
  • iPhone is more popular in the US, with 61% market share.
  • On the whole, North America, Europe and Oceania prefer iPhone/iOS, while Asia, Africa and South America favor Android.

In this article, you'll get the latest data on the smartphone market, starting with the Android vs iOS market share.

Android users and iPhone users are the two biggest, most passionate tribes in our world today. And while the data we're going to share does not say that one device is better than the other, it does tell you which is most popular.

The smartphone market is a clear duopoly, and has been for some time. Android and iOS users make up more than 99% of all smartphone users, with all other mobile operating systems all but dead. Keep reading to learn which mobile OS is the winner in the market today.

Android vs iPhone Market Share: Which Smartphone OS is More Popular?

Globally, Android has a 69.9% market share among smartphone users, compared to 29.3% market share for iPhone.

Android vs iOS Market Share Worldwide

With over 6 billion smartphone users worldwide, that means there are approximately 4.2 billion Android devices, against 1.74 billion iOS devices.

The data indicates that Android devices are the most popular mobile operating system around the world.

However, if we dive deeper, it gets a lot more interesting.

*Latest data via Statcounter

Key Android vs iOS Statistics

Let's dive deeper into the iPhone vs Android market, and look at iOS vs Android in terms of location, trends, apps and more.

iOS vs Android Market Share in the US

The iPhone market share in the US is 61%, compared to 38% for Android, flipped from the global market share.

So while Android is the leading mobile operating system worldwide, Americans prefer iPhones.

Android vs iOS Market Share Around the World

Let’s look at the global smartphone market, comparing Android vs iPhone users in different regions and countries.

We’ve seen that users in the US prefer iPhones. In the UK, the split between Android devices and Apple devices is almost even, with iOS holding 51% market share.

Here are how some other countries split on iPhones vs Androids:

  • In Canada, iOS has 60% market share.
  • In Germany, Android is the leader with 61% market share.
  • In China, Android leads the way with 75% market share.
  • Android is also a big winner in India, with 95% market share. Only 3.9% of smartphone users in India use iPhones.

Here’s how it breaks down by continent:

North America

  • iOS market share: 58%
  • Android market share: 41%


  • iOS market share: 33%
  • Android market share: 66%


  • iOS market share: 20%
  • Android market share: 79%


  • iOS market share: 13%
  • Android market share: 85%
  • Other mobile OS: 2%

South America

  • iOS market share: 16%
  • Android market share: 84%


  • iOS market share: 57%
  • Android market share: 42%
Android vs iOS Market Share by Continent
Android vs iOS Market Share by Country
As we can tell from the data above, iOS is more popular in North America and Australia/New Zealand. Android smartphones are more popular by around 2 to 1 in Europe, and significantly more popular in Asia, Africa and South America, which is why more people worldwide use Android OS than iOS.

Mobile Operating System Market Share: 2009-Present

Android is the global leader in terms of smartphone operating system today. But how has that changed over the years?

Here are the figures year-by-year, tracing back to 2009:

Android vs iOS Market Share, 2009-2024

As the data shows, the Android operating system only emerged significantly in the early 2010s, overtaking iOS in market share in 2012. Android passed 70% in worldwide market share in 2017, and the share between Android users and iOS users has held steady ever since.

Mobile OS Market Share Trends in the US

In terms of the Android vs iPhone market share in the US, iPhones have consistently been the most popular smartphone brand year by year. Apple’s market share has held steady, and while Android has emerged on the scene (as it has worldwide too), it has not yet overtaken iOS in the US market.

Here’s what the US market trend looks like:

US Android vs iOS Market Share, 2009-2024

Android vs iOS App Store Statistics

How do these statistics translate to the app market? Does the higher market share for Android translate to more apps in the Google Play Store?

Let’s check the data (sourced from 42matters):

Google Play Store vs Apple App Store Statistics

The Google Play Store has a little over 2x the total number of apps, and around 1.5x the number of publishers as Apple.

Both app stores have a similar share of paid apps vs free apps and gaming apps vs non-gaming apps, with the large majority being free, non-gaming apps.

iOS vs Android Revenue Statistics

The next thing we’ll look at is the commercial side of the Android vs iOS debate. Which operating system delivers more revenue for app publishers?

Here are some key statistics on the topic (via BusinessofApps):

  • Total app and game revenue (all operating systems): $129 billion
  • iOS app and game revenue: $86.8 billion
  • Android app and game revenue: $42.3 billion
Despite lower overall market share and fewer apps available, iOS apps on the whole make more money, responsible for 67% of total consumer spending on apps, over double of the Android app market.
  • Total gaming app revenue: $81.3 billion
  • iOS gaming app revenue: $50 billion
  • Android gaming app revenue: $31.3 billion
Specifically for gaming apps, the gap is slightly closer, with iOS still ahead with 61% of overall consumer spending on mobile games.
  • Total app (non-gaming) revenue: $47.8 billion
  • iOS app revenue: $36.3 billion
  • Android app revenue: $11.5 billion
iOS is again ahead in terms of non-gaming app revenue, with 75% of the overall consumer spend.
  • Total subscription app revenue: $17.1 billion
  • iOS subscription revenue: $13.2 billion
  • Android subscription revenue: $3.9 billion
iOS has 77% of all subscription revenue in the app market.

Summing up, iOS is responsible for around 2/3rds of consumer spending on apps, with the biggest difference coming in non-gaming apps, particularly apps monetized via subscriptions.

Android vs iOS Market Share (Tablets)

One more thing to look at in terms of Android vs iOS is their market share for tablets.

According to data from Statcounter, iOS currently has 52% of the tablet operating system market share, compared to 47% for Android.

This has evened out significantly in recent years. Apple more or less invented the tablet market with the iPad, and as such, in 2012 they had a commanding 85% of the market share for tablets.

Today, however, all major smartphone manufacturers also make tablets, as a result bringing the overall market share close to 50/50.

These numbers are almost exactly the same in the US as they are worldwide, with no major difference as there is for Android vs iOS smartphone market share.

Other Players in the Mobile Operating System Market

You’ll notice that, if the market share for Android is 70% and the Apple market share is 29%, there’s 1% missing.

To be more exact, this missing market share is actually less than 1%, but there are other mobile operating systems on the market besides Google's Android OS and Apple's iOS.

Currently, the mobile operating systems that hold >0.01% market share are:

  • Samsung (0.36)
  • KaiOS (0.16%)
  • Windows (0.02%)

In addition, 0.16% of mobile devices run unknown operating systems, and 0.04% run another OS not mentioned above.

The market share for these operating systems is obviously extremely low, so it’s hard to see any challengers for Android and iOS in the near future.

If we go back a little over ten years to 2012, the landscape looked a lot different. Neither Android nor iOS powered the majority of smartphone devices. The leader was SymbianOS, an early mobile operating system commonly found on Motorola, Nokia, Samsung and Sony Ericsson devices.

Over the first half of 2012, iOS and Android were close behind, and other operating systems like Samsung, Blackberry, Series 40 and Sony Ericsson were among others with 1% or more of the market.

Mobile OS market share in 2012

Flash forward to the start of 2024, and there are now only two operating systems worth mentioning.

Mobile OS Market Share in 2024

Is it Better to Develop Android or iPhone Apps in 2024?

We’ve got all this data about the market share for various operating systems on the market today.

But what does it mean for businesses, or app developers? If you’re launching an app, which platform is best?

Should you launch on Android, to reach a greater percentage of the worldwide market? Or does iOS make sense, for its greater market share in the US, along with higher consumer spending figures and less competition in the app store?

There is a right answer to this: both. If you’re building an app today, you want to launch on Android and iOS.

Unless there’s a specific reason to build for only one platform (for example, if you’re building an internal company app and all your company’s devices are on Android), you want to capture as much of the market as possible.

By building for Android and iOS, you have the ability to get in front of over 99% of the market. You don’t risk excluding potential users of your app because you felt you had to make a difficult choice and limit yourself to just one platform.

The one potential downside to building for both Android and iOS is that it may cost 2x as much. If you choose to build natively, you’ll need two separate teams of developers to build each app, which makes the project more complex - not to mention making it more difficult to keep all your platforms maintained and up to date.

But there’s an easier way today to launch on all the platforms you need to, without incurring massive costs.

How to Launch Apps on Multiple Platforms (Without Spending Millions)

MobiLoud allows you to build apps for Android and iOS, without:

  • Spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on app developers.
  • Waiting 6-9 months for the first version of your app to be ready.
  • Painful back-and-forths with developers trying to keep the user experience consistent across your apps and website.
  • The expense and complexity involved in updating three separate platforms every time you need to change something.

MobiLoud converts your existing website into Android and iPhone apps. As long as your website looks and works well on mobile, it’s a straightforward process to turn it into a high-quality mobile app.

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That means you can use familiar site-building platforms or CMSes like WordPress, Shopify, Squarespace or WooCommerce, or web frameworks like Vue, Laravel or React, and still build mobile apps.

You don’t need to learn mobile frameworks, build APIs to connect your site and apps, or hire expensive developers to do it for you.

We’ve helped over 2000 businesses launch mobile apps for a minimal investment in time and cost.

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