
What do you need help with?

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Why my users are not receiving notifications on Android devices? | MobiLoud Docs

Why my users are not receiving notifications on Android devices?

Install APKs on Android devices | MobiLoud Docs

Install APKs on Android devices. Learn how to install an APK on your Android device.

Record device screen on Android | MobiLoud Docs

Record device screen on Android. Learn how to record your device screen on Android.

Send notifications from OneSignal | MobiLoud Docs

Send notifications from OneSignal.

Send test notifications with Klaviyo | MobiLoud Docs

On the left sidebar click "Lists & Segments": On the top right area click "Create New", then "Create

How to send push notifications with Klaviyo | MobiLoud Docs

your notification, and fill the iOS and Android URL fields with the URL that should be opened when users

OneSignal Analytics | MobiLoud Docs

OneSignal provides accurate information about how many users have subscribed to receive push notifications

Integrate OneSignal with your website | MobiLoud Docs

There are many situations in which you will want to trigger push notifications to your users, here are

Notifications | MobiLoud Docs

Notifications. Learn how to setup the notification tags of your app.

Send notifications from WordPress | MobiLoud Docs

you can see below: The Push Notifications area will allow you to send manual notifications to your users