Are you considering using WPMobile.App to build a mobile app for your WordPress site? Perhaps you’re looking for alternatives to WPMobile.App, or considering all the options in front of you.
If so, look no further than MobiLoud. MobiLoud provides everything you need to build a high-powered, flexible and reliable mobile app, in perfect sync with your website. WPMobile.App may be cheaper, but if you plan to make mobile apps a core part of your business strategy, this is not an area that you want to skimp on.
Keep reading to learn more about MobiLoud and WPMobile.App, and which option is right for you.
WPMobile.App is a very simple, very affordable way to convert your WordPress site into mobile apps for iOS and Android devices.
Here’s how it works. You buy a license from their website, and install the WPMobile.App plugin on your WordPress site. From here, you customize how you want your app to look, and set up app-specific features like push notifications.
Once that’s done, you can download the APK for your mobile app, which you can install on mobile devices and publish to the app stores.
The cost of a WPMobile.App license is €79 for a single platform (Android or iOS), or €149 for both. This is a one-time payment, which makes it seem like an attractive option, compared to a lot of other WordPress mobile app builders, which charge a lot more (generally on a subscription basis).
However, as we’ll explain in more detail, the cheapest option is not necessarily the one you want to choose for a job like this.
The price of WPMobile.App seems like it’s too good to be true. $150 to build mobile apps for both Android and iOS?
There’s no false advertising here - WPMobile.App does what it says it does. But you’ve got to understand that you’re not going to be able to build a high-quality app with a tool like this, and that it’s going to take a fair bit of work on your part.
WPMobile.App gives you their own, mobile app-centric theme to use to design and customize your app. This equates to basically a simple template, that doesn’t give you a lot of room to make your app stand out.
You can build and publish a functional mobile app, but it’s going to look like thousands of other apps out there. Any differentiating features you’ve built into your site won’t work in your app.
Also, understand that you’ll need to do all of the setup - customizing the layout of your app, figuring out what to show in the app and what not to - on your own. This is not a managed service at all. You buy the license, then it’s 100% up to you to figure out how to make your app look great.
Getting started (not to mention maintaining your app) takes a lot of work. And the end result will be a fairly cookie-cutter mobile app, with none of the features (plugins, themes, integrations) that make your website tick.
Good for a one-time, $150 payment? Sure. The best choice for your brand? Not so much.
If you want a more powerful, flexible and reliable alternative that offers much more assistance during the setup process and beyond, check out MobiLoud.
Thousands of customers, including numerous successful brands and online publishers, have used MobiLoud to build high-quality mobile apps, and extend their reach past the browser.
MobiLoud has two platforms, depending on what you need for your app.
MobiLoud can convert any website (WordPress or otherwise) into native mobile apps. It converts your entire site - themes, plugins and all - into mobile apps for iOS and Android. You don’t need to redesign or rebuild a thing.
It's also perfect for WordPress-based publishers looking to build news apps or magazine apps, as we have a dedicated plugin that makes building WordPress mobile apps easy.
It’s a pain-free way to build an infinite scroll app, just like you’d get from a top brand like CNN or the New York Times. You can publish content to your app from your WordPress dashboard, and even integrate things like subscriptions.
You can build full-featured mobile apps with MobiLoud, including apps with paywalls and subscriptions.
MobiLoud is a trusted and reliable method to convert your site to mobile apps, taking less effort and providing much higher upside than a template-based app builder like WPMobile.App.
Let’s break down the key differences between MobiLoud and WPMobile.App, so you can make an informed decision on which is right for you.
WPMobile.App forces you into a very limiting template. You need to use their mobile app theme, which allows for some customization, but not on the level you need to make your app stand out.
This is the biggest advantage you have with MobiLoud. Instead of the way many simple app builders work, providing you with a mobile app template and pulling in your WordPress content via a plugin & API, MobiLoud displays a live view of your website, as it is.
This means all your existing functionality - theme, plugins, custom-built features - will work the same in your app as they do on your website.
You’ve probably spent untold hours perfecting your website. With MobiLoud, you don’t need to forget all that and conform to a simple, generic template of a mobile app.
As well as allowing you to translate the key features of your website to your mobile apps, it makes publishing new content and maintaining both platforms a breeze.
WPMobile.App recommends you create separate pages for your app, rather than using the same content on your website. This is a huge hassle going forward.
But with MobiLoud, both platforms are fully in sync. You make a change, publish a new post, it goes live on web and app simultaneously. It’s the easiest way to maintain multiple platforms without doubling your workload.
Another huge difference with MobiLoud is the level of service at every step of the way.
MobiLoud isn’t a simple DIY app builder. With a tool like WPMobile.App, you’re totally on your own when it comes to setting up your app. It’s easy to underestimate the amount of work this will add to your plate. And in the end, there’s a very real chance you’re not going to be happy with the final product.
At MobiLoud, we handle the app build for you. You just configure a few key elements, then pass it on to us. Alternatively, you can take advantage of our Full Service Package, and let us do 100% of the work, while you focus on other areas of the business.
Again, you may underestimate the value of this at first. It might seem simple enough to use an app builder to make your app. That is, until it becomes something you keep putting off, and putting off. After some time, all you’ve done is tinkered a bit with the app configuration, without publishing anything.
Along with handling the app build, the team at MobiLoud is here to hold your hand at every stage. It’s a hands-on level of service you don’t get from other app builders, least of all budget options like WPMobile.App.
With WPMobile.App you actually have zero support. It’s not a service. You’re not paying a subscription fee, so there’s no reason for them to offer support staff to help you with setting up your app, or anything else.
You’ve got a knowledge base with some basic help articles, but that’s it.
With MobiLoud, you get full service. Our team configures and builds your apps, publishes them to the app stores, and provides updates and maintenance after launch.
Our team of app experts are always close by, and will provide an answer to any questions or requests within a few hours. Whether you have questions about your app, you want to make changes, or any bugs crop up, we’re there, by your side, ready to help.
The team at MobiLoud held my hand along the way; everything from App Notifications, Analytics and registering with Apple/Google. With MobiLoud’s assistance, we feel super comfortable in this new realm.
- Nick Barbarise, Director of IT at John Varvatos
MobiLoud also does the app store (Apple and Google Play) submission process for you.
This is a big part of the value proposition of building mobile apps. Getting into the app stores is a big boost for your brand, as well as a potential customer acquisition channel.
Yet getting your apps approved and your listings published can be painful. With MobiLoud, this is handled for you.
We’ve published thousands of app store listings, and know exactly what you need to get your listing approved, as well as ensuring your listing is optimized for visibility. By taking care of this, we take one more task off your plate, allowing you to focus your energy elsewhere.
Of course, we should also mention the price point, which is a big difference. One of the big selling points for WPMobile.App is the price - less than $100 per platform, and approximately $150, one time, to build apps for iOS and Android.
In comparison, MobiLoud is an ongoing subscription starting at $299 per month, plus a one-time setup fee starting at $850.
For this reason, WPMobile.App might seem like the better option for sites on a budget. And if your site doesn’t make a lot of money right now, that may be fair enough.
However, if your site already brings in revenue, and your plan for launching an app is to add to that revenue stream, it’s not a good idea to cut costs in areas like this.
You’ve got to consider the additional time and work it’s going to take to set up your app, as well as working out any kinks without any support.
Then there’s the quality of your app. If you want this app to be something that reflects well on your brand, a cookie cutter app with none of your website’s best features is not going to work.
MobiLoud lets you build the perfect app to maximize your revenue and build your brand. Plus, there are no long-term contracts required.
Click here to learn more about MobiLoud's pricing options.
So, assuming you’re looking to build an app for your WordPress site, which of these two options is right for you?
Check out a summary of the two platforms now.
WPMobile.App is a simple and cheap option, which may be the best fit if your site isn’t making much money.
Let’s say it’s more of a hobby than an actual business. You might not be able to justify spending much money building an app at this stage, so the price element of WPMobile.App makes a big difference.
However, if your site is already generating revenue, and you see your app as a way to further increase revenue, you’re taking a step backwards by settling for a substandard app builder.
The boost to your brand by building a higher quality app with MobiLoud, as well as the time, energy and stress you save through the higher level of service more than justifies the higher price.
You’re going to be up and running and published to the app stores much quicker, which means you’ll be able to realize the benefits of having a mobile app sooner.
You won’t be on your own if any problems come up in the future, as well, such as bugs to do with OS updates, or minor things you want changed in your app.
The service element is the most common thing our users say separates MobiLoud from other mobile app builders. Our team is here to help you build the perfect mobile apps, to take your brand and your business to the next level.
Book a free demo today to get the ball rolling, and see what MobiLoud can do for you. We'll discuss what you need and show the process, along with an interactive look at what your site will look like as an app.
You’ll be amazed at how easy the it is, and how great your app can be - with minimal development - when you build an app with MobiLoud.