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How to send push notifications from your WordPress Dashboard with MobiLoud News

Push notifications let younotify your usersof new content available on the site, or anything else like anevent or a message from you.Notifications are received without the userhaving to openthe app to check for updates. Push, used well and with respect for your users, will help you with drive traffic to your content and increase loyalty and returned visits over time.To enable push notifications, you will need to enter your App ID and Secret Key in the Settings/Push page in the plugin. You will be given the necessary information when your app is submitted by our team (if you can't find it, just get in touch).So how can you send push notifications? Easy!

  1. Go to the admin panel of your blog and click on the MobiLoud plugin in the sidebar.
  2. Still in the sidebar, click on Push Notifications

With MobiLoudyou have two options forsending out notifications.You can manually send a notificationto your users or you can setup MobiLoud so that it will automatically send out notifications when a new post is published.1. Manual Push NotificationsOpenthe Notifications tab to manually send notifications. Compose the message that you want to send to your users on the message bar.Optionally you can also attach a post or page to your notification. You can use this to prompt users to open a post when the notification is clicked. You can also create a static page for anything like a special event or deal, then attach the page to your push message.When an attachment is added to a push, the user will automatically load the post or page when opening the notification.Whenmanually sending out push notifications you can send choose to alert all users or select iOS or Android devices. You'll see a count of registered devices.2. Automatic Push NotificationsPush for new posts, hassle free! From the Push settings panel, enable the checkbox to automatically send push notifications when a new post is published.You can also define categories which will trigger notifications automatically, for example sending out push messages only for particularly important or time sensitive stories.

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