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How is MobiLoud different from other app makers?

Other app building solutions have one or both of these problems: either their app building tools are complex and unintuitive, or the apps they create are low-quality because they use non-native technologies like HTML5. These apps don’t look and feel like the native apps we enjoy using every day.

Unlike other solutions, MobiLoud gives you a completely "native" app. Native apps look and feel great on Android and iOS, and don't have the sluggish and glitchy behavior of non-native apps.

Building an app with MobiLoud is simple: we take care of every element of complexity for you, so you can focus on creating amazing content and growing your business.

MobiLoud is also the only native app solution exclusively dedicated to WordPress, which means we understand the platform your site runs on better than anyone else.

We offer 1:1 personal support which none of our competitors offers. Test us out, just write to

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