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Getting started with MobiLoud News

In this guide, we will go through the main settings available in the MobiLoud News Plugin as well as some frequently asked questions.

Before we begin, keep in mind that any changes to the plugin configuration will instantly reflect in the apps, so be careful in case your apps are already live.


The first step would be to configure your "Design" settings, as they will dictate the branding and the colors applied throughout your apps.

In this area, you will be able to upload your logo and set the main color for your app.

For the logo, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Use a version of your logo that looks good in small sizes
  2. Make sure to use a .png file with a transparent background
  3. Make sure that the color of your logo works well with the selected "Main color"

Here you can also define the style of your article lists, using the extended mode for a bigger featured image, or compact for fitting more articles on the screen.


Moving forward, you will want to configure your menus, as they are probably the most important aspect of your app.

Menus will define which sections users will have access to but also what they will see as soon as they open the app.

We have quite a few different menus, and most of them will come with a pre-defined configuration. For each menu we have a corresponding guide in our knowledge base, you can find all of them in one place here: How to configure menus


Under "Settings" you will be able to define how the content must be presented in the app, on your lists, articles, and settings.

The default configuration should give you a clean look for the most part, but if you would like to hide/show certain elements in different areas of your app, this is the place to go.

As you can see in the screenshots below here you have a range of settings for each area and element:

Push Notifications

Finally, once the apps are configured as per your requirements, it is time to start sending some push notifications.

Under "Configuration > Push" you will find general settings related to push notifications:

Here you will be able to configure the push keys for your app as well as automatic notifications for specific categories of posts or custom post types.

Once you have your push keys in place, you will want to go to "Push Notifications" so you can send your first manual notification:

You can find a complete guide with more details on how to send push notifications from your WordPress Dashboard, here: How to send push notifications with News