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Configuring ads on MobiLoud News

One of the most popular monetization methods for apps is to display ads in the content.

We offer a few different ways for you to include your ads, below you can find more details about each one of them.

  1. Google Admob
  2. Google DFP
  3. HTML + Javascript embeds

Google AdMob

With our Google AdMob integration, you will be able to display banner ads in a fixed position at the bottom of the screen on list and article screens as well as interstitial ads every time a certain amount of posts has been viewed by the user.

You can find the Google AdMob settings under "MobiLoud > Configuration > Advertising" as you can see here:

Scroll down a bit and you will find the settings to insert your AdMob App ID and ad units.

The AdMob App ID is required in order for the ads to work.

Here is a guide with more details on how to find your AdMob App ID:

With your AdMob App ID in place, you can now add the ad unit IDs for the placements you want to display:

Make sure to configure the ad units for iOS and Android:

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