Invite users to Apple Developer account

Learn how to invite users to your Apple Developer account

You can invite someone as an admin to your Apple Developer account by following these steps:

1 - Access your App Store Connect account

The first step is to login to your App Store Connect account and login using your Apple credentials:

2 - Go to “Users and Access”

After logging in, you will see a list with several options, click “Users and Access”

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3 - Click the “+” icon

You will see a list with all users that have access to your Apple Developer account, click the “+” icon to add a new user

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4 - Fill in the user information

You will be requested to fill in all the user information in order to send the invite, make sure to fill in all the necessary details including the role, additional resources, and the apps that the user should have access to

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That’s it! Your user has been invited and will now receive a link via email that needs to be clicked in order for the invitation to be confirmed. Note that the invitation link will expire after 48 hours, and if that happens you will need to login to your App Store Connect account and re-send the invitation.

Thank you! We'll be in touch within 48 hours :)
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